We think characters in stories should be as diverse as the children who read them.

Our books

  • The Quest for the Cockle Implant
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  • Elephant and the Lost Blanket
    Cover artwork for Elephant and the Lost Blanket. Image shows a cartoon elephant wearing an orange t-shirt and blue spotty hearing aids, standing in a park. The elephant looks worried. The title of the book is in the top left-hand corner. In the bottom left-hand corner, text reads 'by Alex Naidoo'.
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  • Jake and Jasmine to the Rescue
    Cover artwork for Jake and Jasmine to the Rescue. Image shows a cartoon boy wearing a blue superhero outfit under a green jacket and a blue cochlear implant. The title of the book is written across Jake's chest. Underneath the title, text reads 'By Karen Harlow. Illustrations by Sandra Aguilar.'
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  • Daisy & Ted's Awesome Adventure
    Cover artwork for Daisy & Ted's Awesome Adventures. Image is a purple square printed with cartoons of space rockets, crowns, toys, broccoli and animals. In the centre of the square is a white circle, which contains the title. Daisy, a white girl, and Ted, an Asian boy with glasses, stand on their own names and wave. Underneath the title, text reads 'Written and illustrated by Alex Naidoo'. Below the circle, text reads 'Explore a world of mischief and fun where nothing limits your dreams.'
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  • The Quest for the Cockle Implant: Activity Pack
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It's great to see a fun and entertaining picture book which will help to raise awareness of deafness and inspire self-confidence in deaf children.

Julia Donaldson CBE

I love the book because Angel is deaf like me.  It is one of the best books ever!!!

Charlotte (6) is profoundly deaf and wears cochlear implants

I didn’t anticipate just how much my deaf daughter would identify with the book, even at the age of two. Diversity of gender, race, disability and age are all subtly included throughout, allowing lots of readers to relate, not just deaf people.

Nicky is mum to Isabelle (2) who is profoundly deaf and wears cochlear implants.

All money raised from book sales will help us to create a world without barriers for deaf children.

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